UPS is an abbreviation for Uninterruptible Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Source. It's a battery which is used to power your personal computer or a web server in order to avoid the loss of data when the main power source fails for reasons unknown or becomes risky. A diesel generator is more or less self-explanatory. UPSs and generators are widely-used as a backup in data centers to back up the power supply and to guarantee the uninterrupted running of all the servers located there. Due to the fact that the UPS runs all the time, it offers the desired power for the machines to remain operational until the generator starts and takes over. Using this type of a backup is critical for any data center or provider that wants to keep their hardware and info intact in case there is a power surge or outage, since it provides them with lots of time to react until the issue is resolved and the main power supply is restored.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Hosting

If you host your sites in a hosting account with our company, you'll be able to forget about issues caused by electric power blackouts, due to the fact that, unlike various other providers, we do not keep many different servers attached to a single UPS. Alternatively, each server that's part of our avant-garde cloud platform comes with its own UPS unit that shall be able to keep it functioning for many hours. Furthermore, our data centers in the U.S., in the UK and in Australia have many different generators that boot up for minutes and which will power each of the servers for an extensive time period. This way, the functionality of your sites or their loading speed shall not be affected, so you can enjoy an uninterrupted high-quality service all the time.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers

We've taken all measures to protect you from any service disturbances caused by a electric power outage, so if you use a semi-dedicated server account for your websites, you'll enjoy a fast and secure website hosting service all of the time. Each server that's part of our custom made platform has an independent UPS to keep it operational until numerous effective enterprise-class diesel generators take over to produce the necessary electricity for all the units for so long as necessary. The latter are powerful enough to maintain everything operational at max capacity, so we shall not have to shut down any servers or to use a lot less network devices, which could reduce the loading speed of your sites or affect their efficiency. This top-notch electric power setup is one of the factors behind our 99.9% server and network uptime guarantee, that is valid for all semi-dedicated plans that we're providing.