Should you ever face a problem with your website and be unable to cope with it on your own, ask the respective hosting provider’s technical support staff to assist you to bring the website back online. A prompt solution would be the perfect scenario, but lots of companies answer within twenty four hours or even more, particularly if you are working with a reseller. Even if the problem can be resolved quickly, your website may not work satisfactorily or may not be accessible whatsoever for an extended period, so you may lose prospective customers as it is extremely unlikely that anyone will be happy to come back to an inoperational website. With that being said, you should make sure not only that you can touch base with your hosting provider, but also that they can answer and help you in a well-timed manner. If a script update doesn’t go smoothly or you delete something accidentally, for example, the site should be restored promptly in order to prevent protracted unreachability.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Hosting

With a hosting from us, you can forget about waiting around for hours, or even one whole day, to get an answer to a support ticket or an e-mail. No matter when you touch base with us, we’ll lend you a helping hand within maximum sixty minutes with any technical or sales queries you might have. In reality, our real response time scarcely ever surpasses 20-30 minutes. Since we’re at your service 24-7-365, you will always get assistance in a well-timed manner and we are aware of just how important this is in the Internet world. Shortly after you contact us, we will answer your inquiries. In case you face any technical difficulty, we’ll cope with it for you, or we will give you all the required information in case there’s something that you have to do yourself.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

Because we know how crucial it is to receive quick help, we promise that you’ll never need to wait for more than 60 minutes to get a response to any ticket that you send from your semi-dedicated server CP. As it is, you will rarely need to wait around for more than 20-30 minutes and this applies to any enquiry irrespective of its nature – technical, general or billing. Also, our technical and customer support team is working 24 hours a day, which suggests that even if you post a ticket during holidays, you’ll invariably get an instant reply, which will contain the answer to a query, the solution to a complication or the information required to sort out an issue yourself – in case there’s something that you have to do on your end. If you use our services, you won't ever have to spend an entire day waiting for a reply like you would with plenty of other hosting companies.