When your website hosting supplier supplies live chat support, you are able to talk with a representative in real-time and learn useful information or get an issue resolved timely. The advantage of using chat rather than calling to consult with a live person is that you'll need only a computer with access to the web, so you will not pay any charges when you're in another state or country. In addition, it will be simpler to copy and paste details for instance domain names, usernames or error messages in other words details that are sometimes difficult to provide to the other party on the telephone. The live chat is also a considerably faster way to contact your web hosting service provider's support crew in comparison to using a ticketing system. What's more, if some situation requires more time to be taken care of, you're able to do something different while you wait for guidance on the live chat, which means that you will not lose time - something that is impossible when you are on the phone.

Live Chat Support in Hosting

As part of the support services that we provide for all of our Linux hosting plans, you'll find live chat support which is online twenty-four seven, even on holidays. You will be able to contact us regardless if you already have an account or not, considering that we can support you with all kinds of things, ranging from giving you basic info about our solutions if you aren't a client yet and you're thinking about obtaining one of the packages, to assisting you with setting up an email account in an e-mail client. Some problems are more complex and time-consuming, and you'll need to employ the ticketing system which is integrated in our Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, but we can save you precious time and assist you in real time on the live chat for various things.

Live Chat Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

We offer live chat support as part of our services, which means that if you have any questions for our semi-dedicated plans, you will be able to get in touch with our customer support team at any moment regardless if you've already acquired your account or not. In general, the chat service is intended for pre-sales, billing and common questions and difficulties, but we will assist you with quite a lot of technical questions too. We will help you pick the optimal package for your websites if you don't have an account yet, we can answer all the billing questions or concerns you have or we can assist you with setting up your new email address on your personal computer or smart phone - all of this will be done quickly since our live chat service is available all day, each and every day. Whenever you require support, you can chat with an agent and save time and effort.